The recipe
Cut 750g of potatoes into large pieces and cook in lightly salted, boiling water until tender. Drain the potatoes and set aside. Pull 400g of turkey or goose meat into large, juicy pieces. Warm a couple of tablespoons of oil in a large frying pan, then add the boiled potatoes and let them colour, tuning them as necessary. Add 125g of chipolata sausages and let them brown.
Cut 150g of freshly cooked Brussels sprouts into quarters and add to the pan, together with the pieces of turkey meat. (At this point you can also put in any other leftovers you fancy.) When everything is golden and sizzling, transfer to hot plates.
Warm a little oil in the frying pan, break 2 eggs and cook until they are as you like them. Slide the eggs from the pan onto the potatoes and sausages and serve. Enough for 2.
The trick
A leftovers fry-up needs to be a balance of sound, delicious leftovers and freshly cooked greens. So while it is a good idea to use leftover boiled, or even roast, potatoes, make sure the sprouts, or cabbage or kale if you prefer, are freshly cooked. Brown meat reheats better than breast meat, but whatever you use, make sure to include the delicious bits from underneath the carcass – that’s the spot where the most juicy bits lie.
The twist
This recipe is something of a movable feast. Slices of nut roast can be included in place of the turkey. Introduce other bits and pieces at will, such as scoops of Christmas stuffing (to my mind a splendid addition), a spoonful or two of cranberry sauce, and perhaps, a few roast parsnips.