Last night I had such a cliched marathon anxiety dream that I swear I even vaguely remember thinking, while asleep, “Oh come on…” Yes: standing at startline, had forgotten my gels, didn’t have a belt, hadn’t had breakfast… Bog standard, basically. Actually I think I’d forgotten my shorts too which, err, might have made for some interesting race pictures. So clearly my subconscious is well aware of the weeks ticking away until London marathon.
I raced on Sunday again, after a quick 12 mile warm up. Not, however, a test of form – but another junior parkrun. Our local park is definitely not in PB condition, unless it’s for swimming – the warm winter and a grassy park used by lots of junior footballers has resulted in something more akin to a swamp than a field. My daughter lost a shoe after about 10 metres and valiantly hopped for about 15 more before I retrieved it. I even wore my Inov-8 Mudclaws. If it carries on at this rate, I think we might all be wearing wetsuits in a few weeks. Someone remind me to give them a bit of a clean before next weekend, and the final cross country match of the season.
So how was your weekend running? As always, I want to hear your stories of long runs, short runs, cross training plans and injuries fears. Post below the line as ever.